Improving Air Quality and Surface Disinfection in Gyms and Fitness Centers

For gyms and health clubs looking to offer clean workout environments, CASPR’s technologies put a little muscle into full-scale sanitization efforts. Ideal for even occupied spaces, our solutions offer disinfection for all gym equipment surfaces while purifying and improving air quality for your members and guests alike.

CASPR’s continuous disinfection technology is 99.96% effective against bacteria, viruses, and mold, and is designed to naturally reduce odors and VOCs. As a solution that works in any environment, you can even turn up the heat in your yoga studios without sweating out effective disinfection.

CASPR offers several solutions for a 24/7 fight against pathogens. Our Duct-Mount product is full-faculty ventilation solution that purifies the air and sanitizes multiple types of surfaces, including gym equipment. Our compact unit is ideal for smaller offices or enclosed spaces that require concentrated disinfection.

All options are chemical-free and produce no odors or residue. Our products also come with a low-maintenance guarantee, keeping workouts reserved for your members and not for staff attending to upkeep.

CASPR Technology

CASPR Technologies’ disinfecting technology utilizes the ambient air and humidity naturally found in your environment to create oxidizing molecules. The molecules are circulated from the CASPR solution in the air throughout the targeted areas where they continuously combat harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and molds.

CASPR is an active technology that ensures your facility has an extra layer of protection at all times. CASPR’s oxidizing molecules are constantly circulating in the air which allows them to combat micro-burdens in real time. This means as a harmful pathogen is introduced in your gym, CASPR is already hard at work reducing the microburden load. Once the Colony Forming Units (CFUs) are reduced, our technology prevents them from growing keeping the number of bad viruses and bacteria low.

A traditional filter, or UV, on the other hand has to wait until that recycled air is pulled into the return vent, passed through the filter or UV light, and then released back into the environment requiring the air to recycle through the filter become trapped.

And unlike episodic sprayers, our technology requires no operator and once installed does not have to be touched again for two years. This means, it is actively working to disinfect the surfaces and air for 24 hours a day.

CASPR Technology

CASPR Technologies’ disinfecting technology utilizes the ambient air and humidity naturally found in your environment to create oxidizing molecules. The molecules are circulated from the CASPR solution in the air throughout the targeted areas where they continuously combat harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and molds.

CASPR is an active technology that ensures your facility has an extra layer of protection at all times. CASPR’s oxidizing molecules are constantly circulating in the air which allows them to combat micro-burdens in real time. This means as a harmful pathogen is introduced in your gym, CASPR is already hard at work reducing the microburden load. Once the Colony Forming Units (CFUs) are reduced, our technology prevents them from growing keeping the number of bad viruses and bacteria low.

A traditional filter, or UV, on the other hand has to wait until that recycled air is pulled into the return vent, passed through the filter or UV light, and then released back into the environment requiring the air to recycle through the filter become trapped.

And unlike episodic sprayers, our technology requires no operator and once installed does not have to be touched again for two years. This means, it is actively working to disinfect the surfaces and air for 24 hours a day.

Custom Solutions